(812) 309-78-59
(495) 223-46-76
ASTM C373-16
Standard Test Methods for Determination of Water Absorption and Associated Properties by Vacuum Method for Pressed Ceramic Tiles and Glass Tiles and Boil Method for Extruded Ceramic Tiles and Non-tile Fired Ceramic Whiteware Products
5 стр.
Электронный (pdf)Печатное издание
93.60 $ (включая НДС 20%)
81.060.20 Ceramic products / Изделия из керамики97.040.60 Cookware,. Including table cutlery and table ware / Посуда для приготовления пищи, ножевые изделия и столовые приборы. Включая столовые ножи и столовую посуду
Сборник (ASTM):
15.02 Glass; Ceramic Whitewares / Стекло, Фарфорофаянсовые керамические изделия
Glass, Ceramics
Значение и использование

2.1 Measurement of density, porosity, and specific gravity is a tool for determining the degree of maturation of a ceramic body, or for determining structural properties that may be required for a given application.

Область применения

1.1 These test methods covers procedures for determining water absorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, and apparent specific gravity of non-tile fired unglazed ceramic whiteware2 products, glazed or unglazed ceramic tiles, and glass tiles.

1.2 The values stated in metric units are normative. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for information only and are not normative.

1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Ключевые слова:
Non-tile ceramic whitewares are ceramic whitewares as defined in ASTM Terminology Standard , excluding ceramic tiles.; apparent porosity; apparent specific gravity; bulk density; ceramic tile; fired whiteware products; glass tile; water absorption;