(812) 309-78-59
(495) 223-46-76
IEC 60601-2-17:1989 ed1.0
Medical electrical equipment. Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of remote-controlled automatically-driven gamma-ray afterloading equipment
51 стр.
Электронный (pdf)Печатная копия
311,22 CHF (включая НДС 20%)
19.100 Non-destructive. Including testing equipment: industrial apparatus for X-ray and gamma radiography, penetrant flaw detectors, etc. / Неразрушающие испытания. Включая испытательное оборудование: промышленная аппаратура для рентгеновской и гамма-радиографии, проникающие дефектоскопы и т.д.11.040.60 Therapy equipment / Терапевтическое оборудование
This publication establishes particular requirements for the safety of remote-controlled automatically-driven electromedical equipment for gamma-ray therapy of human subjects using afterloading. Its specifications include requirements for equipment which contain and use only gamma-ray sealed radioactive sources and which automatically drive such sources. It does not apply to neutron radioactive sources.