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ÖNORM EN ISO 10819:1996-08
Mechanical vibration and shock - Hand-arm vibration - Method for the measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand (ISO 10819:1996)
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94,80 € (включая НДС 20%)
13.160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings / Воздействие вибрации и удара на человека
This European Standard specifies a method for the laboratory measurement, the data analysis and reporting of the vibration transmissibility of gloves in terms of vibration transmission from a handle to the palm of the hand in the frequency range from 31,5 Hz to 1250 Hz. The standard is intended to define a screening test for the vibration transmission through gloves. It is recognised that many factors influence the transmission of vibration through gloves. Therefore the transmissibility value according to this standard is not sufficient to assess the health risk due to vibration. The transmissibility of vibration is measured and reported for two input spectra, which are representative of the vibration of some tools, and may be reported as a function of frequency.
Diese ÖNORM legt ein Laborverfahren für die Messung, Auswertung und Angabe der Schwingungsübertragung von Handschuhen in Form der Schwingungsübertragung vom Handgriff zur Handfläche im Frequenzbereich von 31,5 Hz bis 1250 Hz fest.
Ключевые слова:
mechanische Schwingung,Stoß,Schwingung,Hand-Arm-System,Messung,Handschuh,Hand,Arbeitssicherheitstechnik,persönliche Schutzausrüstung,Gefährdung,Schwingungsübertragung,Frequenzbereich,Werkzeug,Handwerkzeug,Begriffe,Terminologie,Formelzeichen,Abbildung,Meßeinrichtung,Prüfung,Prüfverfahren,Prüfbericht,Meßverfahren,Handmaschine,Messeinrichtung,Messverfahren