Каталог стандартов

+7 (495) 223-46-76 +7 (812) 309-78-59

IEC 60094-5:1988 ed1.0

Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems. Part 5: Electrical magnetic tape properties — 63 стр.
Applies to non-perforated magnetic tape used for professional and domestic analogue sound recording and reproduction. Lists and defines the characteristics, methods of measurement and equipment necessary to determine the electrical properties of magnetic tapes. Will also enable users of magnetic tapes to compare the technical product data of different manufacturers, produced in accordance with this standard.
33.160.30 Audio. Including tape recorders, records, magnetic tapes, cassettes, CDs, etc. / Аудиосистемы. Включая магнитофоны, пластинки, магнитные ленты, кассеты, компакт-диски и т.д.