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IEC 61204:1993 ed1.0

Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output - Performance characteristics — 55 стр.
Describes a method of specifying requirements for low-voltage power supply devices (including switching types) providing d.c. output(s) up to 200 V d.c. at a power level up to 30 kW, operating from a.c. or d.c. source voltages of up to 600 V. The devices are for use within class I equipment or for free-standing operation when used with adequate electrical and mechanical protection, except for medical applications and toys, where special considerations apply.
29.200 Rectifiers. Including semiconductor converters / Выпрямители. Преобразователи. Стабилизированные источники питания. Включая полупроводниковые преобразователи