Каталог стандартов

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IEC 61938:2013 ed2.0

Multimedia systems - Guide to the recommended characteristics of analogue interfaces to achieve interoperability — 71 стр.
IEC 61938:2013 gives guidance on current practice for the characteristics of multimedia analogue interfaces to achieve interoperability between equipment from different manufacturers. It is not a performance standard. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1996 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following significant technical changes:
- the values in each table were chosen with respect to the state of the art and representative of best practice in industry;
- plug-in power systems and soundcard power systems are added;
- a new subclause 12.3 has been created: Interoperability of portable audio headphones/earphones and portable audio equipment;
- a new Annex A describing pairing and screening of conductors is added;
- a new Annex B describing phantom power variants for specialized applications is also added.
33.160.01 Audio, video and audiovisual systems in general / Аудио-, видео- и аудиовизуальная техника в целом
35.200 Interface and interconnection equipment / Интерфейсы и межсоединительные устройства