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IEC 62014-4:2015 ed1.0

IP-XACT, Standard Structure for Packaging, Integrating, and Reusing IP within Tool Flows — 373 стр.
IEC 62014-4:2015(E) describes an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schema for meta-data documenting intellectual property (IP) used in the development, implementation, and verification of electronic systems and an application programming interface (API) to provide tool access to the meta-data. This schema provides a standard method to document IP that is compatible with automated integration techniques. The API provides a standard method for linking tools into a system development framework, enabling a more flexible, optimized development environment.
35.240.50 IT applications in industry. Including design automation / Применение информационных технологий в промышленности. Включая автоматизацию проектирования
25.040.01 Industrial automation systems in general / Промышленные автоматизированные системы в целом