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IEC 63121:2020 ed1.0

Radiation protection instrumentation - Vehicle-mounted mobile systems for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials — 40 стр.
IEC 63121:2020 applies to vehicle-mounted mobile systems (also known as mobile systems or mobile monitors) that are used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials; these instruments may also be used for protection of major public events and for rapid screening of large areas. These vehicle-mounted mobile systems consist of one or more radiation detectors mounted in a vehicle, e.g., car or van, which travels predominantly on public roads. This document does not apply to detection systems mounted in other types of vehicles, e.g., planes, helicopters, trains, or boats. Vehicle-mounted detection systems covered by this document are designed to detect radioactive sources while the vehicle is in motion. They may also be used as stationary monitors that scan stationary or moving objects. Vehicle-mounted mobile systems detect gamma radiation and may include neutron detection and/or identification of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides.
13.280 Radiation. Including protection against radio-frequency radiation / Защита от радиационного излучения. Включая защиту от радиочастотного излучения