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IEC SRD 62913-1:2019 ed1.0

Generic smart grid requirements - Part 1: Specific application of the Use Case methodology for defining generic smart grid requirements according to the IEC systems approach — 59 стр.
IEC SRD 62913-1:2019 describes a common approach for IEC technical committees to define generic smart grid requirements for further standardization work. It uses as input the Use Case methodology defined as part of the IEC 62559 series, and provides a more detailed methodology for describing Use Cases and extracting requirements from these Use Cases. This is necessary to achieve a consistent and homogeneous description of generic requirements for the different areas which make up the smart grid environment.
29.020 Electrical. Including voltages, general electrical terminology, electrical documentation, electrical tables, safety, fire hazard testing, etc. / Электротехника в целом. Включая напряжение, общую терминологию, электротехническую документацию, электрические таблицы, безопасность, испытания на пожароопасность и т.д.
29.240 Power transmission and distribution networks / Сети электропередач и распределительные сети