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IEC TR 60878:2003 ed2.0

Graphical symbols for electrical equipment in medical practice — 179 стр.
This technical report provides a comprehensive compilation, for easy reference, of graphical symbols (graphics, title, description) and safety signs for medical electrical equipment. The graphical symbols are grouped in sections according to their specific field of application. This technical report primarily identifies graphical symbols published in IEC 60417 or in ISO 7000. A reference to the corresponding symbol numbers is given. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1988.
11.040.60 Therapy equipment / Терапевтическое оборудование
01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings, diagrams, charts and in relevant technical product documentation / Графические обозначения для технических чертежей диаграмм, схем и соответствующей технической документации в области электротехники и электроники