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IEC TR 62240-2:2018 ed1.0

Process management for avionics – Electronic components capability in operation – Part 2: Semiconductor microcircuit lifetime — 28 стр.
IEC TR 62240-2:2018(E) describes a process and a method for selecting digital semiconductor microcircuits by ensuring that their lifetime is compatible with the requirements of aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications (generally in connection with functional environments). Methods and guidelines are provided to assess the long term reliability of COTS semiconductor microcircuits in such applications; they mainly apply during the electronic design phase when selecting semiconductor microcircuits and assessing the application reliability. focuses on original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) using commercial off the shelf (COTS) semiconductor microcircuits for high performance, high reliability and long duration applications. This document supports OEMs in the preparation and maintenance of their semiconductor electronic component management plan (ECMP).
49.060 Aerospace. Including Avionics / Авиационно-космическое электрооборудование и системы
03.100.50 Production. Production management / Производство. Управление производством
31.020 Electronic components in general / Электронные компоненты в целом