Каталог стандартов

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IEC TR 62351-10:2012 ed1.0

Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 10: Security architecture guidelines — 49 стр.
IEC/TR 62351-10:2012(E) targets the description of security architecture guidelines for power systems based on essential security controls, i.e. on security-related components and functions and their interaction. Furthermore, the relation and mapping of these security controls to the general system architecture of power systems is provided as a guideline to support system integrators to securely deploy power generation, transmission, and distribution systems applying available standards.
33.200 Telecontrol. Including Supervising, Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) / Телемеханика. Телеметрия. Включая систему диспетчерского управления и сбора данных (SCADA)