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IEC TS 60695-11-40:2002 ed1.0

Fire hazard testing - Part 11-40: Test flames - Confirmatory tests - Guidance — 35 стр.
IEC TS 60695-11-40:2002 Presents a general characterization of small-scale test flames and associated confirmatory tests based on copper block calorimetry, and defines theoretical modelling for the associated dynamics. Guidance is presented for the selection of critical parameters in confirmatory test designs. A theory is presented to define additional performance parameters for confirmatory tests, enabling a precise implicit mathematical characterization of confirmatory test heating curves.
29.020 Electrical. Including voltages, general electrical terminology, electrical documentation, electrical tables, safety, fire hazard testing, etc. / Электротехника в целом. Включая напряжение, общую терминологию, электротехническую документацию, электрические таблицы, безопасность, испытания на пожароопасность и т.д.
13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products / Воспламеняемость, поведение материалов и продуктов при горении