(812) 309-78-59
(495) 223-46-76
ÖNORM EN 1709:2005-01
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Precommissioning inspection, maintenance, operational inspection and checks
Печатное изданиеПечатная копия
126.13 € (включая НДС 20%)
45.100 Cableway. Including ropeway equipment / Оборудование для канатных дорог. Включая оборудование канатных транспортных систем
This document specifies the safety requirements applicable to the pre-commissioning inspection, maintenance
and operational inspections and checks of cableway installations designed to carry persons. This standard is
applicable to the various types of installations and takes into account their environment.
It also includes requirements relating to accident prevention and to worker protection.
It does not apply to installations for the transportation of goods by rope or to inclined lifts.
This document does not deal with acceptance tests prior to opening to the public.
The provisions of clause 5 apply to the measures to be taken prior to the initial commissioning and clauses 6
and 7 concern those to be taken during operation.
Diese ÖNORM beschäftigt sich neben Definitionen ua mit den Gefährdungsbildern, den daraus sich ergänzenden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, den Nachweisen und Erprobungen, sowie mit der Dokumentation bis zur Feststellung der Bereitschaft zur Abnahme. Bei der Instandhaltung werden Wartung, monatliche, jährliche, mehrjährliche und Sonderinspektionen sowie die täglichen Betriebskontrollen ausführlich behandelt.
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