Ecodesign for power drive systems, motor starters, power electronics and their driven applications. Quantitative eco design approach through life cycle assessment including product category rules and the content of environmental declarations— 52 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Non-halogenated epoxide non-woven/woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 28 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Non-halogenated epoxide cellulose paper/woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 28 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Brominated epoxide non-woven / woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 26 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Non-halogenated epoxide non-woven/woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of thermal conductivity (1.0W/m K) and defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 26 стр.
Gas infrastructure. Safety Management System (SMS) for gas transmission infrastructure and Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) for gas transmission pipelines. Functional requirements— 30 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Non-halogenated epoxide non-woven/woven E-glass reinforced laminate sheets of thermal conductivity (1.5W/m K) and defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 26 стр.