Electronic fee collection - Localisation augmentation communication for autonomous systems (ISO 13141:2015); English version EN ISO 13141:2015— 41 стр.
Aerospace series. LOTAR. LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation suchas 3D, CAD and PDM data. Common Concepts for LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of Product Structure Information— 52 стр.
Aerospace series. LOTAR. LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data. CAD mechanical 3D Explicit geometry information— 44 стр.
Aerospace series - LOTAR - LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data - Part 110: CAD mechanical 3D Explicit geometry information; German and English version EN 9300-110:2018— 88 стр.