Standard Test Method for Determining Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry in H<inf>2</inf>SO<inf>4</inf> at a Platinum Working Electrode— 6 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determining Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry in H<inf>2</inf>SO<inf>4</inf> at a Platinum Working Electrode— 6 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Isotopic Composition by Modified Total Evaporation (MTE) Method Using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer— 24 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Isotopic Composition by Modified Total Evaporation (MTE) Method Using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer— 24 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium or Plutonium Isotopic Composition or Concentration by the Total Evaporation Method Using a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer— 20 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determining Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry in H<inf>2</inf>SO<inf>4</inf> at a Platinum Working Electrode— 6 стр.
Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Material in Scrap and Waste by Passive-Active Neutron Counting Using ;<sup>252</sup>Cf Shuffler— 17 стр.
Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Oxygen to Metal (O/M) Ratio in Sintered Mixed Oxide ((U, Pu)O<inf>2</inf>) Pellets by Gravimetry— 6 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Isotopic Composition by Modified Total Evaporation (MTE) Method Using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer— 24 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of the Uranium, Plutonium or Americium Isotopic Composition or Concentration by the Total Evaporation Method Using a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer— 22 стр.
Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Oxygen to Metal (O/M) Ratio in Sintered Mixed Oxide ((U, Pu)O<inf>2</inf>) Pellets by Gravimetry— 6 стр.
Standard Guide for Establishing Surveillance Test Program for Boron-based Neutron Absorbing Material Systems for Use in Nuclear Fuel Storage Racks in Pool Environment— 4 стр.
Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions— 18 стр.