Standard Test Method for Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 100 Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography— 51 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 100-Metre Capillary (with Precolumn) High-Resolution Gas Chromatography— 71 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 50-Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography— 23 стр.
Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) in the Boiling Range from 100 °C to 615 °C by Gas Chromatography— 13 стр.
Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in the Boiling Range from 100 ;°C to 615 ;°C by Gas Chromatography— 16 стр.