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ASTM D4849-02B(2007)e3

Standard Terminology Related to Yarns and Fibers — 11 стр.
Область применения

1.1 This standard is a compilation of terminology developed by Committee D13.58 on Yarns and Fibers.

1.1.1 This terminology, mostly definitions, is unique to fibers and yarns used in the textile industry. Terms that are generally understood or adequately defined in other readily available sources are not included.

1.1.2 Subcommittee D13.58 has jurisdictional responsibility for every item in this standard. The standards in which the terms and definitions are used are listed by number after the definition. The wording of an entry cannot be changed without the approval of 13.58 subcommittee. Any changes approved by the subcommittee and main committee are then directed to subcommittee D13.92 on Terminology for subsequent changes or additions to Terminology D123.

1.1.3 This terminology standard is not all inclusive of the terms under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee D13.58. Other terminology standards under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee D13.58 are D3888, D4466, and D4848.

59.080.20 Yarns. Including plied yarns, textured yarns, threads / Пряжа. Включая крученую пряжу, текстурированную пряжу, нити
Сборник ASTM
07.02 Textiles (II): D4393–latest / Текстиль (II): с D4393 и далее