Standard Test Method for (Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, and Anisotropy Ratio from a Network of Partially Penetrating Wells— 11 стр.
Standard Test Method for (Analytical Procedure for) Analyzing the Effects of Partial Penetration of Control Well and Determining the Horizontal and Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity in a Nonleaky Confined Aquifer (Withdrawn 2015)— 17 стр.
Standard Test Method for (Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, and Anisotropy Ratio from a Network of Partially Penetrating Wells— 11 стр.
Standard Test Method for (Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, and Anisotropy Ratio from a Network of Partially Penetrating Wells— 11 стр.
Standard Test Method for (Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, and Anisotropy Ratio from a Network of Partially Penetrating Wells— 11 стр.
Standard Test Method for (Analytical Procedure) Determining Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, and Anisotropy Ratio from a Network of Partially Penetrating Wells— 11 стр.