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ASTM D804-07

Standard Terminology Relating to Naval Stores, Including Tall Oil and Related Products — 4 стр.
Область применения

1.1 Although the naval stores industry has been a continuing producer of chemical products for many centuries, the nature of the industry, its products, and its terminology have changed. In particular, the original practice of recovering naval stores through the processing of the exudate from pine trees (gum naval stores) has been supplemented by their extraction by solvent (wood naval stores) and by wood pulping chemicals (sulfate naval stores). Thus, this terminology contains some old terms now mostly of historic value, together with the terms of the modern naval stores industry.

01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies) / Лакокрасочная промышленность (Словари)
87.060.30 Solvents / Растворители
Сборник ASTM
06.03 Paint –– Pigments, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters, and Ink Vehicles / Красители – Пигменты, Быстровысыхающие масла, Полимеры, Смолы, Канифольно-скипидарные продукты, Целлюлозный полимер, Связующее вещества для красок
Paints & Related Coatings