Каталог стандартов

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ASTM D928-03(2017)

Standard Specification for Sodium Bicarbonate — 1 стр.

This specification covers sodium bicarbonate for use in various washing, cleaning, and scouring processes. As received sodium bicarbonate shall conform to the chemical requirements according to this specification. Sodium bicarbonate shall be a white, uniform powder, and caking shall be readily disintegrated. Sampling and chemical analysis shall be in accordance with the ASTM standard test methods of alkaline detergents.

Область применения

1.1 This specification covers material suitable for use in various washing, cleaning, and scouring processes, with or without soap as conditions demand, and where a mildly alkaline material is desired. (Warning—This material may be hazardous if not properly managed. Precautionary information for the safe use, storage, and disposal of this material should be preliminarily obtained from suppliers and others. In case of personal accident with this material, apply appropriate first aid; telephone nearest Poison Control Center for assistance, and get medical attention immediately.)

71.060.50 Salts / Соли
Сборник ASTM
15.04 Soaps and Other Detergents; Polishes; Leather; Resilient Floor Coverings / Мыло и другие моющие средства; Полировальные материалы; Кожа; Эластичные покрытия для полов
Soaps, Polishes