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ASTM E1140-95(2010)e1

Standard Practice for Testing Nitrogen/Phosphorus Thermionic Ionization Detectors for Use In Gas Chromatography — 6 стр.
Значение и использование

Although it is possible to observe and measure each of the several characteristics of a detector under different and unique conditions, it is the intent of this practice that a complete set of detector specifications be obtained at the same operating conditions, including geometry, flow rates, and temperatures. To specify a detector's capability completely, its performance should be measured at several sets of conditions within the useful range of the detector. The terms and tests described in this practice are sufficiently general so that they may be used under any chosen conditions.

Linearity and speed of response of the recorder should be such that it does not distort or otherwise interfere with the performance of the detector. Effective recorder response should be sufficiently fast so that its effect on the sensitivity of measurement is negligible. If additional amplifiers are used between the detector and the final readout device, their characteristics should first be established.

Область применения

1.1 This practice covers testing the performance of a nitrogen/phosphorus thermionic ionization detector (NPD) used as the detection component of a gas chromatographic system.

1.2 This practice applies to an NPD that employs a heated alkali metal compound and emits an electrical charge from that solid surface.

1.3 This practice addresses the operation and performance of the NPD independently of the chromatographic column. However, the performance is specified in terms that the analyst can use to predict overall system performance when the detector is coupled to the column and other chromatographic components.

1.4 For general chromatographic procedures, Practice E260 should be followed except where specific changes are recommended in this practice for the use of a nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) thermionic detector.

1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific safety information, see Section 5, Hazards.

71.040.50 Physicochemical. Including spectrophotometric and chromatographic analysis / Физико-химические методы анализа. Включая спектрофотометрический и хроматографический анализы
Сборник ASTM
03.06 Molecular Spectroscopy and Separation Science; Surface Analysis / Молекулярная спектроскопия; Анализ поверхности