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ASTM E2135-10a(2017)

Standard Terminology for Property and Asset Management — 14 стр.
Область применения

1.1 This terminology covers traditional property management definitions and some of the terms introduced in additional asset management standards that are used most often and considered most important. As new standards are developed, new terms will be added to this terminology in future revisions.

1.2 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

01.040.97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports (Vocabularies) / Бытовая техника и торговое оборудование. Отдых. Спорт (Словари)
Сборник ASTM
04.12 Building Constructions (II): E2112-latest; Sustainability; Asset Management; Technology and Underground Utilities / Строительство зданий (II): с E2112 и далее; Устойчивость; Система управления недвижимостью (системы эксплуатации зданий и сооружений); Технологии и Подземные коммуникации
Asset Management