Metallic powders - Determination of acid-insoluble content in iron, copper, tin and bronze powders (ISO 4496:2017); German version EN ISO 4496:2017— 11 стр.
Metallic powders - Determination of acid-insoluble content in iron, copper, tin and bronze powders (ISO/FDIS 4496:2017); German and English version FprEN ISO 4496:2017— 11 стр.
Petroleum products - Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels - Cetane engine method (ISO 5165:1998); German version EN ISO 5165:1998— 13 стр.
Petroleum products - Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels - Cetane engine method (ISO 5165:2017); German version EN ISO 5165:2018— 31 стр.