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ASTM E969-02(2007)

Standard Specification for Glass Volumetric (Transfer) Pipets — 2 стр.

This specification covers volumetric pipets of two classes. Class A, Precision Pipet and Class B, General Purpose. Borosilicate glass for pipets shall conform to the glass requirements specified. Pipets shall be calibrated to deliver the intended capacity. The pipets shall consist in general of a suction tube and a delivery tube separated by a bulb; all three parts shall be permanently attached together. All markings shall be permanent and legible.

Область применения

1.1 This specification covers volumetric pipets of two classes. Class A, Precision Pipet and Class B, General Purpose. Specifications for micropipets are given in Specification E 193.

1.2 Product with a stated capacity not listed in this standard may be specified class A tolerance when product conforms to the tolerance range of the next smaller volumetric standard product listed in Table 1.

71.040.20 Laboratory ware and related apparatus / Лабораторная посуда и сопутствующая аппаратура
Сборник ASTM
14.04 Laboratory Apparatus; Degradation of Materials; SI; Oxygen Fire Safety / Лабораторная аппаратура; Деградация материалов; Международная система единиц СИ; Кислород и пожарная безопасность
Laboratory Testing