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ASTM F1622-95(2000)

Test Method for Measuring the Torsional Properties of Metallic Bone Screws (Withdrawn 2001) — 4 стр.
Область применения

1.1 This test method covers the testing of stainless steel, cobalt-based, and titanium-based bone screws for the determination of torsional yield strength, maximum torque, breaking angle, and torque versus angle of rotation. The described test method is intended to be used as a means of evaluating the mechanical properties of bone screws.

11.040.40 Implants. Including pacemakers / Имплантаты для хирургии, протезирования и ортоптики. Включая кардиостимуляторы
Сборник ASTM
13.01 Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices (I): E667 – F2477 / Медицинские и хирургические материалы и приборы (I): E667 - F2477
Medical Devices & Implants