Standard Specification for Lap-Joint Type Flange Adapters for Polyethylene Pressure Pipe in Nominal Pipe Sizes <fraction><num>3/4</den></fraction > in. to 65 in.— 9 стр.
Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials or Pressure Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products— 16 стр.
Standard Specification for Lap-Joint Type Flange Adapters for Polyethylene Pressure Pipe in Nominal Pipe Sizes <fraction><num>3</num><den>4</den></fraction > in. to 65 in.— 9 стр.
Standard Specification for Lap-Joint Type Flange Adapters for Polyethylene Pressure Pipe in Nominal Pipe Sizes <span class='unicode'>¾</span> in. to 65 in.— 8 стр.
Standard Specification for Lap-Joint Type Flange Adapters for Polyethylene Pressure Pipe in Nominal Pipe Sizes <span class='unicode'>¾</span> in. to 65 in.— 8 стр.
Standard Specification for Lap-Joint Type Flange Adapters for Polyethylene Pressure Pipe in Nominal Pipe Sizes <fraction><num>3</num><den>4</den></fraction > in. to 65 in.— 9 стр.