Thermal insulation of pipework, ductwork, associated equipment and other industrial installations in the temperature range of -100$0DC to +870$0DC. Code of practice— 160 стр.
Code of practice for domestic butane- and propane-gas-burning installations, Installations at permanent dwellings, residential park homes and commercial premises, with installation pipework sizes not exceeding DN 25 for steel and DN 28 for corrugated stainless steel or copper— 54 стр.
Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases), Specification for the installation and maintenance of ventilation provision for gas appliances— 36 стр.
Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases), Specification for installation of gas appliances to chimneys and for maintenance of chimneys— 122 стр.
Carbon monoxide in dwellings and the combustion performance of gas-fired appliances, Guide for using electronic portable combustion gas analysers as part of the process of servicing and maintenance of gas-fired appliances— 22 стр.
Method for specifying thermal insulating materials for pipes, tanks, vessels, ductwork and equipment operating within the temperature range -40$0DC to +700$0DC— 82 стр.
Carbon monoxide in dwellings and the combustion performance of gas-fired appliances, Guide for responding to measurements obtained from electronic portable combustion gas analysers— 12 стр.
Carbon monoxide in dwellings and the combustion performance of gas-fired appliances, Guide for using electronic portable combustion gas analysers in the measurement of carbon monoxide and the determination of combustion performance— 22 стр.
Carbon monoxide in dwellings and the combustion performance of gas-fired appliances, Guide for identifying and managing sources of fumes, smells, spillage/leakage of combustion products and carbon monoxide detector activation— 26 стр.
Specification for installation of gas-fired hot water boilers of rated inputs of between 70kW (net) and 1.8 MW (net) (2nd and 3rd family gases)— 52 стр.
Specification for installation, exchange, relocation, maintenance and removal of gas meters with a maximum capacity not exceeding 6 m$u3/h, Low pressure (2nd family gases)— 52 стр.
Specification for the installation and maintenance of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances, Inset live fuel effect gas fires of heat input not exceeding 15 kW, and fire/back boilers (2nd and 3rd family gases)— 56 стр.
Specification for the installation and maintenance of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances, Gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and heating stoves (2nd and 3rd family gases)— 66 стр.
Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating appliances. Performance requirements for apparatus used in non-statutory servicing of gas fired heating appliances— 14 стр.
Design, installation, testing and maintenance of services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages Specification— 146 стр.