Wood preservatives. Creosote and creosoted timber. Methods of sampling and analysis. Procedure for obtaining a sample of creosote from creosoted timber for subsequent analysis— 12 стр.
Durability of wood and wood-based products. Preservative-treated solid wood. Guidance on sampling for the analysis of preservative-treated wood— 18 стр.
Wood preservatives. Creosote and creosoted timber. Methods of sampling and analysis. Procedure for obtaining a sample of creosote from creosoted timber for subsequent analysis— 12 стр.
Wood preservatives. Creosote and creosoted timber. Methods of sampling and analysis. Determination of the benzo[$ia]pyrene content of creosote— 12 стр.
Wood preservatives. Creosote and creosoted timber. Methods of sampling and analysis. Procedure for obtaining a sample of creosote from creosoted timber for subsequent analysis— 12 стр.