Static welded cylindrical tanks, serially produced for the storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) having a volume not greater than 13 m$u3 and for installation above ground. Design and manufacture— 56 стр.
BS EN 12259-14. Fixed firefighting systems. Components for sprinkler and water spray systems. Part 14. Sprinklers for residential applications— 64 стр.
Safety recommendations for cableway installations designed to carry persons. Prevention and fight against fire. Other funicular railways and other installations— 28 стр.
Components for smoke and heat control systems, Functional recommendations and calculation methods for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems, employing time-dependent design fires. Code of practice— 42 стр.
Fire and explosion precautions at premises handling flammable gases, liquids and dusts, Code of practice for precautions against fire and explosion in chemical plants, chemical storage and similar premises— 74 стр.