Unfired pressure vessels. Requirements for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and pressure parts constructed from spheroidal graphite cast iron— 60 стр.
Unfired pressure vessels. Requirements for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and pressure parts constructed from spheroidal graphite cast iron— 60 стр.
Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Tank equipment for the transport of liquid chemicals and liquefied gases. Product discharge and air inlet valves— 14 стр.
Mobile fire extinguishers. Requirements for the construction, pressure resistance and mechanical tests for extinguishers, with a maximum allowable pressure equal to or lower than 30 bar, which comply with the requirements of EN 1866-1— 26 стр.
Unfired pressure vessels. Requirements for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and pressure parts constructed from spheroidal graphite cast iron— 62 стр.