Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Methods for the manufacture of test specimens of hydraulically bound mixtures using axial compression— 14 стр.
Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Method for the manufacture of test specimens of hydraulically bound mixtures using vibrating hammer compaction— 12 стр.
Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Method for the manufacture of test specimens of hydraulically bound mixtures using Proctor equipment or vibrating table compaction— 12 стр.
Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test method for the determination of California bearing ratio, immediate bearing index and linear swelling— 14 стр.
Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test methods for laboratory reference density and water content. Vibrocompression with controlled parameters— 14 стр.
Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test methods for the determination of the laboratory reference density and water content. Proctor compaction— 32 стр.
Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Test methods for laboratory reference density and water content. Introduction, general requirements and sampling— 16 стр.
Mixing water for concrete. Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete— 22 стр.