Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating appliances. Performance requirements for apparatus used in non-statutory servicing of gas fired heating appliances— 14 стр.
Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating appliances. Performance requirements for apparatus used in statutory inspections and assessment— 14 стр.
Specification for portable electrical apparatus designed to measure combustion flue gas parameters of heating appliances. General requirements and test methods— 38 стр.
Energy performance of buildings. Method for calculation of the design heat load. Domestic hot water systems heat load and characterisation of needs, Module M8-2, M8-3— 60 стр.
Energy performance of buildings. Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies. District heating and cooling, Module M3-8-5, M4-8-5, M8-8-5, M11-8-5— 30 стр.