Road vehicles. Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling. Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines— 34 стр.
Alcohol interlocks. Test methods and performance requirements. Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use— 28 стр.
Alcohol interlocks. Test methods and performance requirements. Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use— 16 стр.
Alcohol interlocks. Test methods and performance requirements. Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for preventive use— 16 стр.
Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements -- Part 2: Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use (english version)
Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements -- Part 3: Guidance for authorities, decision makers, purchasers and users (english version)
Alcohol interlocks - Test methods and performance requirements -- Part 4: Connection and digital interface between the alcohol interlock and the vehicle (english version)