Technologies de l'information. Techniques de securite. Code de bonne practique pour la gestion de la securite de l'information (French translation of BS ISO/IEC 17799:2005)— 126 стр.
Corrigendum 1 - Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety related systems - Part 5: Examples of methods for the determination of safety integrity levels— 1 стр.
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Specific communication service mapping (SCSM). Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3— 37 стр.
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Basic communication structure. Compatible logical node classes and data object classes— 186 стр.
Classification of environmental conditions. Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities, Stationary use at weatherprotected locations— 48 стр.
Mechanical structures for electronic equipment. Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series. Subracks and associated plug-in units— 26 стр.
Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 9-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3— 28 стр.
Corrigendum 1 - Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3-3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Stationary use at weatherprotected locations— 0 стр.
Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-101: Subracks and associated plug-in units— 45 стр.
Railway applications - Fixed installations - Particular requirements for a.c. switchgear -- Part 3-1: Measurement, control and protection devices for specific use in a.c. traction systems - Devices (english version)