Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2: General and guidance for optical fibre cable joint closures, protected microduct closures, and microduct connectors (english version)
Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communications systems - Product specifications - Part 2-9: Non-sealed closures for air blown fibre microduct cable, for category S & A (english version)
Optical fibre cables - Part 5-10: Family specification - Outdoor microduct optical fibre cables, microducts and protected microducts for installation by blowing (IEC 60794-5-10:2014)(english version)
Optical fibre cables - Part 5-20: Family specification - Outdoor microduct fibre units, microducts and protected microducts for installation by blowing (IEC 60794-5-20:2014) (english version)
Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-5: Sealed closures for air blown fibre microduct, type 1, for category S & A (english version)