Textiles and textile products. Burning behaviour. Curtains and drapes. Measurement of flame spread of vertically oriented specimens with large ignition source— 18 стр.
Textiles and textile products. Burning behaviour. Curtains and drapes. Detailed procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimens— 10 стр.
Textiles and textile products. Burning behaviour. Curtains and drapes. Measurement of flame spread of vertically oriented specimens with large ignition source— 16 стр.
Textiles and textile products. Burning behavior. Curtains and drapes. Detailed procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimens— 12 стр.
Pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHO). Multi-place pressure chambers for hyperbaric therapy. Performance, safety requirements and testing— 42 стр.
Respiratory protective devices for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents, Negative pressure, air purifying devices with full face mask. Specification— 52 стр.
Textiles and textile products - Burning behaviour - Curtains and drapes - Detailed procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimens