Acoustics. Measurement of airborne noise emitted and structure-borne vibration induced by small air-moving devices. Airborne noise measurement— 46 стр.
Intelligent transport systems (ITS). Cooperative intersection signal information and violation warning systems (CIWS). Performance requirements and test procedures— 22 стр.
Uncertainty of measurement -- Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) -- Supplement 2: Extension to any number of output quantities— 84 стр.
Acoustics -- Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure -- Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms -- Amendment 1— 10 стр.
Acoustics -- Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure -- Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane— 86 стр.
Acoustics -- Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure -- Precision methods for reverberation test rooms— 68 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications equipment (ISO 7779:1999); German version EN ISO 7779:2001— 71 стр.