Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 1: Energy efficiency (ISO/IEC 13273-1:2015); German version EN ISO/IEC 13273-1:2016— 23 стр.
Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content - Design, implementation and maintenance of terminology management systems (ISO 26162:2012); Text in German and English— 84 стр.
Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information— 128 стр.
Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information— 50 стр.
Information technology. Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training. 'Access for all' digital resource description— 50 стр.
Information technology. Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training. 'Access for all' personal needs and preferences for digital delivery— 106 стр.
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products. Structuring principles and reference designations. Application rules for a reference designation system— 56 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information (ISO 11616:2012); German version EN ISO 11616:2012— 52 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information (ISO 11615:2012); German version EN ISO 11615:2012— 140 стр.
Terminology and other language and content resources. Specification of data categories and management of a data category registry for language resources— 52 стр.
Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances— 52 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances (ISO 11238:2012); German version EN ISO 11238:2012— 50 стр.
Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content - Design, implementation and maintenance of terminology management systems (ISO 26162:2012)— 84 стр.