Structuring principles for technical products and technical product documentation. Letter codes. Main classes and subclasses of objects according to their purpose and task— 65 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2004, modified); Trilingual version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2009— 186 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2004, modified); Trilingual version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2006— 176 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2011, modified); German and English version CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2011— 186 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2004, modified); Trilingual version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2009— 181 стр.
Structuring principles for technical products and technical product documentation - Part 2: Letter codes - Main classes and subclasses of objects according to their purpose or task— 59 стр.
Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - Part 1: Basic rules (ISO 81714-1:2010); German version EN ISO 81714-1:2010— 22 стр.
Fluid power systems and components - Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 1: Graphic symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications (ISO 1219-1:2006); Text in German, English and French— 172 стр.
BS EN 10025-6. Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 6. Technical delivery conditions for flat products of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition— 27 стр.
BS EN 10025-4. Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 4. Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels— 30 стр.
BS EN 10025-3. Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 3. Technical delivery conditions for normalized/normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steels— 31 стр.
BS EN 13071-2. Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied. Part 2. Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems— 16 стр.
Paints and varnishes. Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems. Protective paint systems and laboratory performance test methods for offshore and related structures (ISO 12944-9:2018)— 32 стр.
Hot rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming. Technical delivery conditions for normalized or normalized rolled steels— 14 стр.
Hot rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming. Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolled steels— 16 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2016, modified); German and English version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2017— 231 стр.