Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test and test equipment - Part 4: Determination of gas filter capacity and migration, desorption and carbon monoxide dynamic testing (ISO 16900-4:2011)— 23 стр.
Respiratory protective devices. Selection, use and maintenance. Condensed guidance to establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme— 24 стр.
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Determination of gas filter capacity and migration, desorption and carbon monoxide dynamic testing— 24 стр.
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. RPD using regenerated breathable gas and special application mining escape RPD: Consolidated test for gas concentration, temperature, humidity, work of breathing, breathing resistance, elastance and duration— 22 стр.
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Determination of volume-averaged work of breathing and peak respiratory pressures— 24 стр.
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Breathing machine, metabolic simulator, RPD headforms and torso, tools and verification tools— 42 стр.
Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test and test equipment. Breathing machine, metabolic simulator, RPD headforms and torso, tools and verification tools— 44 стр.
Workplace exposure. Measurement of exposure by inhalation of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates. Metrics to be used such as number concentration, surface area concentration and mass concentration— 40 стр.