Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1 500 r/min, 1 800 r/min, 3 000 r/min and 3 600 r/min— 22 стр.
Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts -- Part 2: Landbased steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1 500 r/min, 1 800 r/min, 3 000 r/min and 3 600 r/min— 20 стр.
BS ISO 20816-4. Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration. Part 4. Gas turbines in excess of 3 MW, with fluid-film bearings— 29 стр.