Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment -- Part 1: Decision rules for proving conformity or nonconformity with specifications— 22 стр.
Graphic technology. Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints. Parameters and measurement methods— 30 стр.
Photography - Intra-oral dental radiographic film and film packets - Manufacturer specifications (ISO 3665:2011); German version EN ISO 3665:2013— 14 стр.
Graphic technology and photography. Certified reference materials for reflection and transmission metrology. Documentation and procedures for use, including determination of combined standard uncertainty— 30 стр.
Sensitometry of screen/film systems for medical radiography - Part 3: Method for determination of sensitometric curve shape, speed and average gradient for mammography— 24 стр.