Codes for the representation of names of languages. General principles of coding of the representation of names of languages and related entities, and application guidelines— 38 стр.
Terminology and other language and content resources -- Specification of data categories and management of a Data Category Registry for language resources— 48 стр.
Information and documentation; transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters; part 2: Arabic language; simplified transliteration— 10 стр.
Information and documentation - Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters - Part 3: Persian language - Simplified transliteration— 16 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2004, modified); Trilingual version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2009— 186 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2011, modified); German and English version CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2011— 186 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of units of measurement (ISO 11240:2012); German version EN ISO 11240:2012— 64 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging (ISO 11239:2012); German version EN ISO 11239:2012— 41 стр.
Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 1: Reference model (ISO 13606-1:2008); English version FprEN ISO 13606-1:2012— 114 стр.
Health informatics - Electronic health record communication - Part 1: Reference model (ISO 13606-1:2008); English version EN ISO 13606-1:2012— 114 стр.
Function Blocks (FB) for process control and Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) - Part 3: EDDL syntax and semantics (IEC 61804-3:2015); English version EN 61804-3:2015— 354 стр.