Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Vibration condition monitoring -- Part 2: Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data— 40 стр.
Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, including measurements on rotating shafts— 24 стр.
Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping plants— 26 стр.
Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts. Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min— 18 стр.
Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings— 24 стр.
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for training and certification of personnel. Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics— 24 стр.
Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts. Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min— 26 стр.