Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1 500 r/min, 1 800 r/min, 3 000 r/min and 3 600 r/min— 22 стр.
Machine tools. Test conditions for surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table. Testing of the accuracy— 24 стр.
Industrial automation systems - Manufacturing message specification - Companion standard for numerical control; Identical with ISO/IEC 9506-4:1992— 140 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle; Test of the accuracy - Part 4: Planer type machines with movable column (ISO 3070-4:1998)— 47 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height; Testing of accuracy - Part 2: Machines with horizontal spindle (ISO 1701-2:1997)— 24 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height; Testing of accuracy - Part 3: Machines with vertical spindle (ISO 1701-3:1997)— 19 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions of machining centres - Part 3: Geometric tests for machines with integral indexable or continuous universal heads (vertical Z-axis) (ISO 10791-3:1998)— 50 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions for machining centres - Part 4: Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of linear and rotary axes (ISO 10791-4:1998)— 8 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle; Testing of the accuracy - Part 3: Floor-type machines with detached, stationary work-holding table (ISO 3070-3:1997)— 43 стр.
Machine tools - Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle; Testing of the accuracy - Part 2: Table-type machines (ISO 3070-2:1997)— 44 стр.
Machine tools - Test code for machine tools - Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or finishing conditions (ISO 230-1:1996)— 53 стр.
Test conditions for manually controlled milling machines with table of fixed height. Testing of the accuracy. Machines with horizontal spindle— 30 стр.