Information technology. Security techniques. Management of information and communications technology security. Concepts and models for information and communications technology security management— 38 стр.
Technologies de l'information. Techniques de securite. Code de bonne practique pour la gestion de la securite de l'information (French translation of BS ISO/IEC 17799:2005)— 126 стр.
Information technology. Business operational view. Identification and referencing of requirements of jurisdictional domains as sources of external constraints— 244 стр.
Intelligent transport systems. Electronic information exchange to facilitate the movement of freight and its intermodal transfer. Governance rules to sustain electronic information exchange methods— 38 стр.
Health informatics. Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems. Implementation of an information security management system (ISMS)— 78 стр.
Health informatics. Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems. Requirements and risk analysis— 28 стр.