Code of practice for thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves) by filling with urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems— 62 стр.
Specification for urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems suitable for thermal insulation of cavity walls with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves— 16 стр.
Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases), Specification for installation of gas appliances to chimneys and for maintenance of chimneys— 122 стр.
Soil improvers and growing media. Determination of physical properties. Dry bulk density, air volume, water volume, shrinkage value and total pore space— 30 стр.
Specification for polyurethane (PUR) foam systems suitable for stabilization and thermal insulation of cavity walls with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves— 12 стр.
Code of practice for stabilization and thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves) by filling with polyurethane (PUR) foam systems— 18 стр.
Structural design of low-rise buildings, Code of practice for stability, site investigation, foundations, precast concrete floors and ground floor slabs for housing— 66 стр.