Graphic technology. Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints. Validation print processes working directly from digital data— 25 стр.
Graphic technology. Process control for the production of halftone colour separations, proof and production prints. Proofing processes working directly from digital data— 32 стр.
Graphic technology -- Requirements for printed matter for commercial and industrial production -- Part 1: Measurement methods and reporting schema— 24 стр.
Information technology -- Office equipment -- Measurement of image quality attributes for hardcopy output -- Monochrome text and graphic images— 54 стр.
Graphic technology -- Prepress digital data exchange using PDF -- Part 7: Complete exchange of printing data (PDF/X-4) and partial exchange of printing data with external profile reference (PDF/X- 4p) using PDF 1.6— 36 стр.